File Calc Binary Calculator for Enormous Numbers
Files on computers are stored in binary numbers 1's and 0's. Basically a file on
a computer is just a big number. File Calc allows you to use this idea to do basic
math on the large numbers that are computer files.
Most calculators are built using 32 or 64 bit number limitations. File Calc was
written as an experiment to lift that upper bound. By working off computer files
enormous numbers that stretch into megabytes can be used. Very large numbers can
be calculated without the loss of data given by scientific notation.
.Net 4.0
Beta Framework: File Calc was originally written in 2001
to test various encryption ideas. While functional it was always a dog performance
wise. As times change so does the technology available. New in the .Net 4 Beta Framework
is the
BigInteger data type. BigInteger also allows for mathematical operations
to be performed on huge numbers. Curious as to how the two might compare File Calc
was dug out of mothballs and given a WPF face lift. The results were not even close.
The .Net 4.0 Beta version of File Calc is dramatically faster. Microsoft has a real
winner on their hands with the new BigInteger data type.
The fast .Net 4.0 Beta version of File Calc is available for
download here.
*Requires .Net 4.0 Beta 2 Framework.
The original painfully slow File Calc is available for
*Requires .Net 3.5 Framework.